Source code for EC_CMD_Wallet.send.methods

from ._btc import btc_send
from ._eth import eth_send

[docs]def send(currency:str, volume:float, fee:float, privateKey:str, to:str)->bool: """像目标发起转账. Args: currency (str): [description] volume (float): [description] fee (float): [description] privateKey (str): [description] to (str): [description] Returns: success (bool): 是否创建成功 """ if currency == "btc": result = btc_send(volume, fee, privateKey, to) url = f"{result}" elif currency == "eth": result = eth_send(volume, fee, privateKey, to) url = f"{result}" else: print("未知的货币") return False print("Here is the transaction ") print(url) return True